Appling Skin Layouts

Please save the layout skins to your own image host like
photobucket...imageshack...tinyurl or search google for more image host places.
Go to Dashboard...Layout...Page Elements...add a gadget...HTML/JavaScript option...
copy and paste the code below.

In the code where it says URL GOES HERE
is where you will add the URL from the hosting site you use.
Be sure to just add the URL between the QUOTE symbols and then save.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I have some Valentine Blog layouts here.
Hope you enjoy them. May try to make some more but been saying that for a couple months now...LOL's 4 more for you...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Made a new layout to bring in the New Year. Really need to do more layouts, there fun but just not a lot of time.

Hope everyone has a great 2010!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Haven't made any new blog backgrounds but you can find my old ones here.

Happy Holidays everyone!